deafPLUS - Bath and Somerset Office

Contact details

deafPLUS - Bath and Somerset Office
No 2 Queens Parade

Public phone: 01225 446 555


Website URL:

General information

Service offered: Works with deaf, hard of hearing visually impaired or blind people aged 18 or over to help them improve their quality of life through equipment support, information, training, advocacy, benefits and employment services.

Target group: Anyone facing sensory loss aged 18 or over.

Area served: Bath and North East Somerset

How to contact: Phone (01225 446555), textphone, email or website. Open Monday to Friday 10am - 1pm


Monday: 10am - 1pm

Tuesday: 10am - 1pm

Wednesday: 10am - 1pm

Thursday: 10am - 1pm

Friday: 10am - 1pm

Weekends: Closed

Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-4pm


Wheelchair access: Yes - limited

Accessible toilets: No

Access notes: There is small amount of public pay at meter spaces opposite the office or if you have a blue badge you can park outside the office. There is a small step at the entrance but the remainder of our premises are level access. Toilet is situated downstairs. Home visits by appointment

Other information

Languages other than English: BSL.

Charity number: 1073468

Year established: 1971


Public transport:

Record last checked: 22 January 2025


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