Loaves and Fishes

Contact details

Loaves and Fishes
34/36 Singer Road
East Kilbride
G75 0XS

Public phone: 01355 223 657 / 07515 536 957

Email: loavesandfishesek@gmail.com

Website URL: http://loavesandfishesek.com

General information

Service offered: Loaves & Fishes is a registered Scottish charity established for over 20 years. We are based in East Kilbride and support people in our community. We depend entirely on the generous donations of individuals, organisations and companies to help people in need by providing food parcels, toiletries. We are also a pet food bank and have a clothing/household unit.

Target group: Anyone facing food insecurity and related issues

Area served: South Lanarkshire and surrounding areas

How to contact: Phone (01355 223657) or email. Facebook messenger



Tuesday: 10am - 1.30pm

Wednesday: 10am - 1.30pm

Thursday: 10am - 1.30pm



Office Hours:


Wheelchair access: Yes - full

Accessible toilets: -

Access notes: All one level

Other information

Languages other than English:

Charity number: SC009413

Year established: 1990

Staffing: Volunteers

Public transport:

Record last checked: 03 September 2024


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