Cyrenians Community and Green Skills Centre
Contact details
Cyrenians Community and Green Skills Centre
12 Humbie Holdings
near Kirknewton
West Lothian
EH27 8DS
Public phone: 0131 333 5202
Website URL:
General information
Service offered: Cyrenians Farm is a social enterprise and residential community near Kirknewton in West Lothian, only 10 miles from Edinburgh city centre. The farm is home to a Cyrenians Community of young people living in peer-supported accommodation and provides opportunities for residents and volunteers to grow food, skills, ideas and confidence. We are a small farm or ‘market garden’ with 8 acres (about one field to most farmers). We have an orchard with 250 fruit trees, 8 indoor growing houses, outdoor growing spaces, 110 free-range laying hens, a craft workshop, a production kitchen and an eating and meeting space. We grow a range of Organic fruits, vegetables and herbs, and produce free-range, Organic eggs for sale to individual customers and wholesale. We offer a range of volunteering opportunities for people from all walks of life as well as corporate volunteering events.
Target group: Young single people aged 16-30 who are homeless or at risk of long term homelessness. No local connection required. Residents usually have support needs around mental health, learning disabilities or offending.
Area served: Edinburgh / West Lothian
How to contact: Phone(0131 333 5202)/Email
Monday: 9am-5pm (Phone)
Tuesday: 9am-5pm (Phone)
Wednesday: 9am-5pm (Phone)
Thursday: 9am-5pm (Phone)
Friday: 9am-4.30pm (Phone)
Weekends: Out of hours on-call system
Office Hours:
Wheelchair access: Yes - limited
Accessible toilets: -
Access notes: Farm community has an accessible building but is based along a pot holed private road.
Other information
Languages other than English: We have international volunteers who speak many different languages.
Charity number: SC011052 - Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO)
Year established: 1968
Staffing: 2 full time and one part time staff at each service, development workers and managers, 6 live-in volunteers.
Public transport: Wilkieston bus stop - 10 minutes walk. Kirknewton railway station - 20 minutes walk.
Record last checked: 24 July 2024