Age UK - York

Contact details

Age UK - York
St Edmund's House, Margaret Street
YO10 4UX

Public phone: 01904 634061


Website URL:

General information

Service offered: Range of services for older people. Advice and information on benefits and other issues, including housing. Companionship visits, carers' respite, hospital aftercare, day clubs, help with managing domestic chores, help with managing pets at times of medical crisis. Campaigns on behalf of older people.

Target group: Older people (60+) and their families and carers.

Area served: York.

How to contact: Phone (01904 634061), email or via website. Open Mon-Fri 9am - 3pm.


Monday: 9am - 3pm

Tuesday: 9am - 3pm

Wednesday: 9am - 3pm

Thursday: 9am - 3pm

Friday: 9am - 3pm

Weekends: Office closed

Office Hours:


Wheelchair access: Yes - full

Accessible toilets: Yes

Access notes: Full access and adapted toilets in day centres, and the office, but clients rarely seen in the office. Does not offer a drop-in information service.

Other information

Languages other than English: Access to interpreters and Language Line.

Charity number: 1118346

Year established: 1971

Staffing: 120 part time staff, 350 volunteers.

Public transport:

Record last checked: 02 July 2024


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