Causeway Foodbank
Contact details
Causeway Foodbank
10 Hillman's Way, Ballycastle Road
BT52 2ED
Public phone: 028 7022 0005
Website URL:
General information
Service offered: Food Bank
Target group: Local People in Crisis
Area served: Local Community, the Causeway Foodbank operates in Coleraine and Portstewart
How to contact: Phone - 02870220005 / Website
Tuesday: 11.30am-1pm, 10 Hillman's Way, Coleraine
Wednesday: 11.30am-1pm, 10 Hillman's Way, Coleraine
Thursday: 11am-12pm, Portstewart Baptist Church / 7pm-8pm, 10 Hillman's Way, Coleraine
Friday: 11.30am-1pm, 10 Hillman's Way, Coleraine / 4.30pm-6pm, Terrace Row Presbyterian Centre, Terrace Row Coleraine
Office Hours:
Wheelchair access: Yes - full
Accessible toilets: -
Access notes:
Other information
Languages other than English:
Charity number: NIC100508
Year established: 2012
Staffing: 12
Public transport:
Record last checked: 24 October 2024