Epping Forest Foodbank

Contact details

Epping Forest Foodbank
38c Chigwell Lane, Oakwood Industrial Estate (Office Address)
Langston Road
IG10 3NY

Public phone: 0300 1029 808

Email: info@eppingforest.foodbank.org.uk

Website URL: http://eppingforest.foodbank.org.uk

General information

Service offered: Foodbank providing emergency food to people in crisis who are referred to us by referral agents. If you need a foodbank voucher, please contact our free phone helpline, Help Through Hardship, https://www.trusselltrust.org/get-help/help-through-hardship-helpline/ . Our foodbank hubs are open with the following dates, times and locations: Tuesday: Epping District Council Offices, Civic Centre, Epping, 10am-12pm. Wednesday: St. Mary's Church, Loughton High Road, The Hope Centre, Loughton, 10am-12pm. Thursday: The Hazelwood Children's Centre, Waltham Abbey, 2pm-4pm. Saturday: Trinity Methodist Church, Mannock Drive, Debden, 10:30am-12:30pm

Target group: Local People in Crisis

Area served: Local Community

How to contact: Phone (0300 102 9808) / Email (info@eppingforest.foodbank.org.uk).


Monday: Please Phone/Email or view website for further information






Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9.30am - 5pm (Donation drop off Weds/Fri 10am-12pm)


Wheelchair access: Yes - full

Accessible toilets: Yes

Access notes: Warehouse is fully accessible with parking, including disabled drivers, two door opening system with no ramps or steps. Stairlift inside the foodbank for access to the upstairs facilities, unisex toilets and fully accessible toilet.

Other information

Languages other than English:

Charity number: 1165654

Year established: 2013

Staffing: 3 paid full time, 190 volunteers

Public transport: Yes, 7 minute walk from Debden Station, 20 and 397 bus stop, local bus loop is also a 2 minute walk away.

Record last checked: 12 July 2024


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