Citizen Advocacy South Birmingham Area (CASBA)
Contact details
Citizen Advocacy South Birmingham Area (CASBA)
Touchbase Pears, Bristol Road
Selly Oak
B29 6NA
Public phone: 0121 475 0777
Website URL:
General information
Service offered: Crisis advocacy service for adults with learning disabilities. Short term or issue based advocacy. Advocacy and support for Parents with learning difficulties. Advocacy for adults with Learning disabilities who have safe guarding issues which need resolving.
Target group: Adults with learning disabilities. Parents with learning disabilities.
Area served: South Birmingham.
How to contact: Phone (0121 475 0777)/ you can make referrals via our website: . Open Mon-Fri 9am-4pm
Monday: 9am - 4pm
Tuesday: 9am - 4pm
Wednesday: 9am - 4pm
Thursday: 9am - 4pm
Friday: 9am - 4pm
Weekends: Closed
Office Hours:
Wheelchair access: Yes - full
Accessible toilets: Yes
Access notes: Touchbase Pears, where we are based, is run by Sense and is fully accessible to people with all disabilities
Other information
Languages other than English: Can be accessed if required
Charity number: 701365
Year established: 1988
Staffing: 1 Full-time &10 Part-time staff
Public transport: We are located just by Selly Oak station and near to a number of bus routes.
Record last checked: 18 July 2024