Renfrewshire Foodbank
Contact details
Renfrewshire Foodbank
Porterfield Road (Warehouse/Office Address)
Public phone: 0300 102 2500
Website URL:
General information
Service offered: Food Bank. In order to provide the most appropriate help for the circumstances of your situation we work with local agencies. If they feel you are struggling to put food on the table, they will issue you with a foodbank voucher. The local agency can also provide long term support if needed to help address some of the issues behind the reasons for your crisis. Agencies we work with include: Citizens Advice, housing support officers, children’s centres, health visitors, social services and some local charities.
Target group: Local People in Crisis
Area served: Local Community
How to contact: Phone (0300 102 2500) / Email
Monday: Distribution 2pm-4pm Central Baptist Church, 14 Lady Lane Paisley, PA1 2LJ (except public holidays)
Tuesday: No Distribution
Wednesday: Distribution 10-12pm St Paul's Church, Johnstone, Quarrelton Road, PA5 8NH -1.30-4.30pm Central Baptist Church, 14 Lady Lane Paisley, PA1 2LJ
Thursday: Distribution 10-12pm Renfrew Baptist Church, Renfrew, 77 Paisley Road, PA4 8LH
Friday: Distribution 1.30-4.30pm Central Baptist Church, 14 Lady Lane Paisley, PA1 2LJ
Weekends: Closed
Office Hours: Open for donations Mon-Fri 9-2pm (except public holidays)
Wheelchair access: -
Accessible toilets: -
Access notes: All distribution sites are wheelchair accessible.
Other information
Languages other than English: Information leaflets in Ukrainian
Charity number: SC044200.
Year established: 0
Staffing: 3 staff, 100+ volunteers.
Public transport:
Record last checked: 28 November 2024