Branches Hostel
Contact details
Branches Hostel
740 Forest Road, Walthamstow
E17 3HR
Public phone: 020 8520 6363
Website URL:
General information
Service offered: Branches Hostel is in Waltham Forest. It provides temporary accommodation for up to 18 months for former rough sleepers and single homeless people aged 18 to 65 years. The Hostel also provides support services for clients including welfare benefits advice; clinical support for alcohol and substance misuse; support with mental health needs; and opportunities for volunteering, training, education and employment.
Target group: Former rough sleepers and single homeless people. We do not take direct, self-referrals. We accept referrals from other organisations working with rough sleepers or street homeless people, or local authorities.
Area served: Waltham Forest primarily; and the neighbouring boroughs of Redbridge, Newham, Enfield, Haringey and Hackney.
How to contact: Phone 020 8520 6363; email; for referrals –
Monday: 24/7
Tuesday: 24/7
Wednesday: 24/7
Thursday: 24/7
Friday: 24/7
Weekends: 24/7
Office Hours: 8am – 5pm
Wheelchair access: Yes - full
Accessible toilets: Yes
Access notes: No on-site parking; disabled access to entrance and internally; access to signers. Ramped access to building; lift in building
Other information
Languages other than English: No
Charity number: 1086888
Year established: 1995
Staffing: Support and Resettlement Team; Reception Administration; CBT Practitioner and waking Night Concierges.
Public transport: Buses 123, 230, 275, 212, W16; nearest overground station is Wood Street; nearest tube stations are Walthamstow Central and Blackhorse Road.
Record last checked: 09 January 2025