Contact details
253 High Street
West Midlands
B66 3NJ
Public phone: 0121 565 2234
Website URL:
General information
Service offered: The Brushstrokes Community project is based on a long standing partnership between its Foundation partners, Father Hudson's Society, the Infant Jesus Sisters and the Parish of St Philip Neri .The project was established by Sister Margaret Walsh of the Infant Jesus Sisters who moved from Wolverhampton, where she had been working for the Hope project, to set up a new initiative in Smethwick. The aim was to support the most vulnerable and live in solidarity with the hidden poor. Our services have developed over the last decade in response particularly to the needs of newcomers. Initially the main area of work was engaging with asylum seekers and helping them to establish a place of safety in the UK. This is still a key area of work for us. However, in this area of Smethwick with its ever growing super diversity, we now welcome people from over sixty countries to Brushstrokes, including migrants. Our work continues to expand with refugees who we are helping to rebuild their lives and settle into new homes, education and work in Sandwell. There are growing numbers of people coming for food every week due to rising costs of living and the scarcity of full time employment. We now work closely with the Smethwick Foodbank to support people in temporary difficulties while we meet the needs of the longer term destitute. We continue to provide children's and adult clothing, baby packs for destitute mothers, baby equipment to be and essential household items including bedding. At Christmas, over two hundred children receive toys donated to the project. We rely on donations of food, clothing, baby equipment and household items including bedding and curtains
Target group: Local Community
Area served: Smethwick
How to contact: Phone/Email
Monday: 9am-3pm
Tuesday: 9am-3pm
Wednesday: 9am-3pm
Thursday: 9am-3pm
Friday: 9am-3pm
Office Hours:
Wheelchair access: -
Accessible toilets: -
Access notes:
Other information
Languages other than English:
Charity number:
Year established: 0
Public transport:
Record last checked: 06 March 2024