Alzheimer's Scotland - Oban Dementia Resource Centre
Contact details
Alzheimer's Scotland - Oban Dementia Resource Centre
12 High Street
PA34 4BG
Public phone: 01631 570614 / Free 24 hour helpline 0808 808 3000
Website URL:
General information
Service offered: The Oban Dementia Resource Centre can provide information, support and advice about dementia to people with dementia, their families and carers and anyone in the community including other professionals.
Target group: Everyone concerned about dementia in themselves or others
Area served: West Argyll and Bute
How to contact: Phone/Website.
Monday: 10am - 12pm
Tuesday: 10am - 12pm
Wednesday: 10am - 12pm
Thursday: 10am - 12pm
Friday: 10am - 12pm
Weekends: Closed
Office Hours: 9am-5pm Mon-Friday
Wheelchair access: -
Accessible toilets: -
Access notes: Wheelchair access to building, currently step at entrance requires assistance. Street parking usually available (metered) Entrance door ramp due for installation
Other information
Languages other than English: Gaelic by appointment
Charity number: SCO022315
Year established: 0
Staffing: Dementia Advisor. Two Dementia Link Workers (by appointment)
Public transport: Bus 200m, rail station 220m
Record last checked: 18 October 2024