United Welsh Housing Association
Contact details
United Welsh Housing Association
United Welsh, Y Borth, 13 Beddau Way
CF83 2AX
Public phone: 0330 159 6080 or 029 2085 8100
Email: tellmemore@unitedwelsh.com
Website URL: http://www.unitedwelsh.com/contact/
General information
Service offered: United Welsh is a registered social landlord operating under charitable rules. We offer a range of homes including family houses, apartments and bungalows, and manage over 5,000 homes across 11 local authorities in South Wales. We work hard to support the most vulnerable people in our society – in fact, we have more supported housing beds than any other housing association in Wales. Can help tenants with money advice. We also work with more than 30 different providers including The Wallich, Gwalia and Gofal to make sure people get the help and support they need. The groups we work with include: those with learning disabilities/individuals of all ages who are homeless/young people leaving care/women fleeing domestic abuse/ those recovering from substance-misuse; people with mental health problems
Target group: United Welsh Housing Association Tenants
Area served: South Wales
How to contact: Phone/email or website.
Monday: Please Phone/Email for further information
Office Hours:
Wheelchair access: -
Accessible toilets: -
Access notes:
Other information
Languages other than English:
Charity number:
Year established: 0
Public transport:
Record last checked: 07 March 2024