Fathers Against Violence
Contact details
Fathers Against Violence
Public phone: 0161 868 0112 / 07860 872127
Website URL: http://www.fav-uk.org/contact
General information
Service offered: Every child deserves somebody to turn to. They all deserve encouragement and guidance: the kind of example set by positive role models. Fathers Against Violence empowers men to be just that. We provide support to young, disadvantaged people so that even the most vulnerable can develop self confidence and self esteem. We offer a range of services and opportunities that provides inspiration and guidance: We encourage education, so we will show young people how to get into college, improve their skills and get qualifications. We help young people develop personally and socially – giving them the strength to reject violence and a life of crime. We improve relationships between fathers and sons, motivating them to realise their potential, raise their aspirations and build themselves a brighter future. We establish partnerships with parents, schools, community groups and local authorities. That way we can step in and help those young men at greatest risk of being sucked into gangs. We show them where they can get help and stay out of trouble.
Target group: Young People
Area served: Manchester
How to contact: Phone/Email via website
Monday: Please Phone or view website for further information
Office Hours:
Wheelchair access: -
Accessible toilets: -
Access notes:
Other information
Languages other than English:
Charity number:
Year established: 0
Public transport:
Record last checked: 07 October 2024