North West Taxi Proprietors Ltd
Contact details
North West Taxi Proprietors Ltd
Unit 16 Rathmore Centre, Blighs Lane
BT48 0LZ
Public phone: 028 71362556
Website URL:
General information
Service offered: NWTP have supported the local taxi industry with services and advice. We have helped over 500 people to access self-employment. All our lobbying culminated in the Taxis Act in 2008 which opened the door for Taxi Plates, Operator Licensing, Taxi Meters and new roof signs along with several other elements improving the administration of the taxi industry. It is a huge achievement to change the law. More work remains to done in the taxi review 2017 to iron out the wrinkles. The Community Support Initiative (CSI) is our latest project. CSI is a new project aimed at developing and sustaining local jobs through a holistic approach that offers advice, help, support and technical assistance to develop and sustain self employment, social economy enterprises and local services. CSI is aimed at a much wider audience than the taxi industry. NWTP is using all the experience gained over the years to deliver for our community through the CSI project. If you are thinking of becoming self employed, need help to sustain your self employment or need a good advocate to fight your corner then call CSI 028 71362556
Target group: Taxi Drivers / Other self employed people
Area served: Derry
How to contact: Phone(028 71362556)/Email/Website
Monday: Please Phone/Email or view Website for further information
Office Hours:
Wheelchair access: -
Accessible toilets: -
Access notes:
Other information
Languages other than English:
Charity number:
Year established: 0
Public transport:
Record last checked: 29 November 2024