the Christian Advice Service (tCAS)

Contact details

the Christian Advice Service (tCAS)
tCAS, c/o 348 Old Heath Road (Charity address)

Public phone: 01206 625985


Website URL:

General information

Service offered: When people come in contact with tCAS we aim to understand their situation, unravel it, identify the issues and the underlying causes and help them put solutions in place. To date we have helped people with issues as wide-ranging as: Benefit applications – fighting a decision withdrawing benefits, appealing to benefit tribunals. Identifying debt solutions, maximising income and dealing with bailiffs. Dealing with potential eviction, appealing to the arbitrator over deposit and managing relationships with landlords. Finding ways of dealing with neighbour disputes, how to escalate a dispute to find resolution. Going to and being taken to small claims court. Preparing to separate in family break-up, managing the financial situation, making meaningful agreements, decisions about divorce. Helping clients in employment disputes. Signposting to domestic abuse charities and helping individuals deal with the consequences of coercive financial abuse. We are linked to other specialist charities who refer individuals to us and us to them. We do all this is in the context of our faith, as Christians; believing that God intends us to help our neighbour by showing kindness, love and support. Our service is free and anyone in need. We also have an ‘off-shoot’ of tCAS called Creative Therapies giving people the opportunity to engage in creative craft activities.

Target group: General Public

Area served: Colchester / Ipswich

How to contact: Phone 01206 625985 / Email: / Website: + Ipswich - Email: / Website:


Monday: By Appointment

Tuesday: By Appointment

Wednesday: 10.00 - 13.00

Thursday: By Appointment

Friday: Closed

Weekends: Closed

Office Hours:


Wheelchair access: Yes - full

Accessible toilets: Yes

Access notes: Colchester - Parking available in nearby public car parks / Ipswich - Parking available in nearby public car parks

Other information

Languages other than English: Some other languages by arrangement

Charity number: 1187344

Year established: 2019

Staffing: Volunteers

Public transport: Colchester: Buses go direct to Colchester town centre (High Street). Ipswich: Buses go direct into Ipswich town centre.

Record last checked: 28 November 2024

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