NHS Barnet and Enfield Talking Therapies

Contact details

NHS Barnet and Enfield Talking Therapies
1st Floor, Westgate House, Edgware Community Hospital, Burnt Oak Broadway

Public phone: 020 8702 5309

Email: beh-tr.barnettalkingtherapies@nhs.net

Website URL: http://www.barnetandenfieldtalkingtherapies.nhs.uk/

General information

Service offered: We provide a confidential and free service for anyone who is experiencing problems with their mood, feeling stressed, unhappy and unsatisfied with how their life is going. These difficulties may or may not be linked to ongoing (or past) stressful events and experiences, and quite often resolve on their own. However, there are times when they do not. This means that they can have a significant impact on you and how you manage things on a day to day basis, for example your relationships, your work, caring responsibilities, your studies and relaxation and leisure time. If you suffer from ongoing medical problems (such as diabetes, heart disease or chronic pain for example) there is evidence to suggest that experiencing difficulties with your mood or stress can further impact your physical health. We work with people aged 16 and above with no upper age limit. We offer a range of treatments for the above, based on knowledge from research as to what is effective. We are committed to providing a service that is accessible to our local communities.

Target group: General Public / People with Mental Health Issues

Area served: Barnet / Enfield

How to contact: Phone(020 8702 5309)/Email/Website. Open Mon-Fri 08.00 - 17.00


Monday: 08.00 - 17.00

Tuesday: 08.00 - 17.00

Wednesday: 08.00 - 17.00

Thursday: 08.00 - 17.00

Friday: 08.00 - 17.00

Weekends: Closed

Office Hours:


Wheelchair access: -

Accessible toilets: -

Access notes: 

Other information

Languages other than English:

Charity number:

Year established: 0


Public transport:

Record last checked: 13 November 2024


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