Hillingdon Talking Therapies
Contact details
Hillingdon Talking Therapies
Beaufort House, Ground Floor, Cricket Field Road, Uxbridge
Public phone: 01895 206 800
Email: cnwl.hillingdontalkingtherapies@nhs.net
Website URL: http://talkingtherapies.cnwl.nhs.uk/hillingdon
General information
Service offered: Hillingdon Talking Therapies Service is part of the national 'NHS Talking Therapies for Anxiety and Depression' service, provided by Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust. We provide a range of talking therapies in the borough of Hillingdon. Talking therapies can help if you're feeling worried, low or stressed or struggling in your relationships. You are eligible for this service if you live, work, study and/or are registered with a GP in the borough of Hillingdon.
Target group: General Public / People with Mental Health Issues
Area served: Hillingdon
How to contact: Phone/Email/Website
Monday: 9am–5pm
Tuesday: 9am–5pm
Wednesday: 9am–5pm
Thursday: 9am–5pm
Friday: 9am–5pm
Office Hours:
Wheelchair access: -
Accessible toilets: -
Access notes:
Other information
Languages other than English:
Charity number:
Year established: 0
Public transport:
Record last checked: 18 November 2024