Trafford Talking Therapies

Contact details

Trafford Talking Therapies
Second Floor, Altrincham Health and Wellbeing Centre, 33 Market Street
WA14 1PF

Public phone: 0161 357 1350


Website URL:

General information

Service offered: Trafford Talking Therapies provides talking therapy for adults of all ages: it is free, confidential, and proven to be effective. Referral is via GP or other healthcare provider or self-referral. We provide talking therapies for those experiencing difficulties with anxiety and depression based presentations. Our service provides talking therapy for adults of all ages: it is free, confidential, and proven to be effective. You do not have to endure this unnecessary suffering. We have trained practitioners offering support ranging guided self-help with Psychological Wellbeing Pracitioner, CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), Psychology and Counselling, enabling you to learn ways to help you cope better. In additional to individual therapy, we also offer couple counselling for depression and group work. Talking Therapies is a national programme developed in recognition that one in four of us will experience these difficulties at some point in our lives. You can expect us to be collaborative, respectful, caring, and go out of our way to try and help you to make a difference to your life. We expect you to work alongside us, commit to regular attendance and share responsibility for making the changes you want to make. Our team is made up of therapists rather than psychiatrists, which means we are unable to offer diagnoses for mental health conditions. If you need a diagnosis please discuss this with your GP.

Target group: General Public / People with Mental Health Issues

Area served: Trafford

How to contact: Phone/Website


Monday: 8am to 8pm

Tuesday: 8am to 8pm

Wednesday: 8am to 8pm

Thursday: 8am to 8pm

Friday: 8am to 5pm


Office Hours:


Wheelchair access: -

Accessible toilets: -

Access notes: 

Other information

Languages other than English:

Charity number:

Year established: 0


Public transport:

Record last checked: 10 October 2024


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