Barnsley NHS Talking Therapies

Contact details

Barnsley NHS Talking Therapies

Public phone: 01226 644900


Website URL:

General information

Service offered: A free and confidential NHS service, helping people (16+) access the therapy needed to support mild to moderate common mental health difficulties such as depression, anxiety and stress. Working alongside local GP’s, they have a team of experienced professionals specialising in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and counselling to help people address current emotions in a non-judgmental and supportive environment and to gain a new understanding of how to manage and/or cope with them better. Self-referral is possible via the service website (24hrs)

Target group: General Public / People with Mental Health Issues

Area served: Barnsley

How to contact: Phone/Website


Monday: 9am-5pm

Tuesday: 9am-5pm

Wednesday: 9am-5pm

Thursday: 9am-5pm

Friday: 9am-5pm


Office Hours:


Wheelchair access: -

Accessible toilets: -

Access notes: 

Other information

Languages other than English:

Charity number:

Year established: 0


Public transport:

Record last checked: 10 October 2024

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