Thrive (Birmingham)

Contact details

Thrive (Birmingham)
Horticultural Training Centre, Kings Heath Park, Kings Heath
B14 7TQ

Public phone: 0121 293 4531


Website URL:

General information

Service offered: A gardening for health charity, providing social and therapeutic horticulture (STH) programmes to a wide range of people with varying needs. STH is the process of using plants and gardens to improve physical and mental health as well as communication and thinking skills. They facilitate therapeutic programmes at regional centres in Birmingham, Reading and London and also provide gardening advice for people with disabilities or long-term health conditions to carry on gardening. Additionally, they provide training courses to professionals, career changers and people wanting to understand and work on their own wellbeing.

Target group: General Public / People with Mental Health Issues/ Life changing injuries or disabilities.

Area served: Birmingham

How to contact: Phone (01212934531) / Email / Website . Open Mon-Thurs 8am-4pm


Monday: 8am-4pm

Tuesday: 8am-4pm

Wednesday: 8am-4pm

Thursday: 8am-4pm



Office Hours:


Wheelchair access: Yes - limited

Accessible toilets: Yes

Access notes: Office and Gardens accessible to those in wheelchairs. Disabled toilets available in office and gardens but no hoist.

Other information

Languages other than English:

Charity number: 277570

Year established: 1979


Public transport: Park accessible by major bus routes, 2 free car parks

Record last checked: 22 August 2024


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