Age UK - Hammersmith and Fulham

Contact details

Age UK - Hammersmith and Fulham
105 Greyhound Road
W6 8NJ

Public phone: 020 7386 9085


Website URL:

General information

Service offered: Range of services for older people (50+). Advice and information on benefits, welfare issues, community care, housing. Refer to DWP. Transport for shopping trips. Befriending scheme and practical help. Computer training. Social and physical activities. Lunches.

Target group: Older people (50+) living in Hammersmith and Fulham.

Area served: London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham.

How to contact: Phone (020 7386 9085) for details, contact for an appointment, email or write. Open Monday to Friday 10am - 4pm


Monday: 10am - 4pm

Tuesday: 10am - 4pm

Wednesday: 10am - 4pm

Thursday: 10am - 4pm

Friday: 10am - 4pm

Weekends: Closed

Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm


Wheelchair access: Yes - full

Accessible toilets: Yes

Access notes: Street parking. Ramped entrance. Home visits available for people unable to access the office.

Other information

Languages other than English: BSL and Language Line.

Charity number: 289124

Year established: 1982

Staffing: 4 full time, 10 part time staff, 200 volunteers.

Public transport: Hammersmith tube. Buses 190, 220, 295.

Record last checked: 27 August 2024


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