The Bridge Plus+ Limited
Contact details
The Bridge Plus+ Limited
Charing Cross Centre, 17-19 St John Maddermarket
Public phone: 01603 617 076
Website URL:
General information
Service offered: The Bridge Plus+ is based in Norwich provides information, advice and advocacy services to people from ethnic minority and/or migrant backgrounds who live in Norfolk. Information on a wide range of issues, from ESOL to healthcare services and from job search to financial hardship support. Signposting and referrals to other support services and community groups. Advice on UK Welfare Benefits, and on housing related issues (applying for social housing, tenancy related issues, understanding utility bills, Council Tax). We work with local partner and AdviceUK member Norfolk Community Law Service (NCLS) to refer people who need immigration legal advice. Advocacy: we work with you to enable you to access services on a wide range of topics and make your voice heard. We also organise monthly community lunches, bringing together Bridge Plus+ service users, other community members, representatives from other services, Bridge Plus+ volunteers and staff.
Target group: People from ethnic minority and/or migrant backgrounds
Area served: Norfolk
How to contact: Whatsapp 07933 765 862 / Landline 01603617076 / Email Open Mon 12pm-3pm / Tues-Thurs 10am-3pm.
Monday: 12pm-3pm
Tuesday: 10am-3pm
Wednesday: 10am-3pm
Thursday: 10am-3pm
Friday: Closed to public enquiries
Weekends: Closed
Office Hours:
Wheelchair access: Yes - full
Accessible toilets: Yes
Access notes:
Other information
Languages other than English: We use phone interpreting for anyone needing an interpreter. The team is also multilingual
Charity number: 1198642
Year established: 2012
Staffing: 3.75 FTE paid staff
Public transport: Yes
Record last checked: 01 August 2024