IKWRO - Women's Rights Organisation

Contact details

IKWRO - Women's Rights Organisation
PO Box 75229
E15 9FX

Public phone: 0207 920 6460


Website URL: http://ikwro.org.uk/contact/

General information

Service offered: IKWRO is a registered charity which provides advice and support to , who have experienced, or are at risk of all forms of “honour” based abuse, including; forced marriage, child marriage and female genital mutilation (FGM), or domestic abuse. We work with women and girls of all ages, including lesbian women, bisexual women and trans women. We offer services in Kurdish, Farsi, Arabic, Dari, Pashto, Turkish and English. IKWRO offers free advice, advocacy and counselling services and operates a refuge which provides safe accommodation and specialist support to single women at risk of “honour” based abuse, forced marriage and domestic abuse. IKWRO also provides training for women and girls to help them understand their rights in the UK. In partnership with other organisations, we assist survivors of abuse with accessing English language classes and education, training and employment opportunities. As well as supporting women and girls directly, we offer advice and training for professionals from the statutory and voluntary sectors, to better understand the needs of the women and girls we represent, the types of abuse they experience and to provide best practice prevention and support services. We campaign to increase awareness and improve laws and policies to tackle all forms of “honour” based abuse and harmful practices including; forced marriage, child marriage, marital captivity, female genital mutilation, virginity testing and hymenoplasty, discrimination by sharia courts and to push for better laws and policies to protect women’s and girl’s rights.

Target group: Middle Eastern, North African and Afghan women and girls living in the UK

Area served: UK

How to contact: Phone/Website


Monday: Please Phone or view website for further information






Office Hours:


Wheelchair access: -

Accessible toilets: -

Access notes: 

Other information

Languages other than English:

Charity number:

Year established: 0


Public transport:

Record last checked: 01 November 2023

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