Energise Sussex Coast
Contact details
Energise Sussex Coast
Public phone: 01424 390062
Email: hello@energisesussexcoast.co.uk
Website URL: http://www.energisesussexcoast.co.uk/contact/
General information
Service offered: Energise Sussex Coast helps residents in East Sussex to bring down the cost of electricity, gas and water bills and also to save energy and carbon. Our free, friendly service is for everyone. Most people can save money on their bills. We can help with: Accessing support through the energy price crisis. Advice on saving energy and bringing bills down. Freebies such as LED lightbulbs, draught-proofing kits, mould monitors, energy monitors. Help with problem bills and talking to your supplier. Advice on how to access free or part-funded insulation and energy efficiency measures. Boiler replacement or repairs. Advice on the cheapest energy tariffs available. Support to access grants and the Warm Home Discount. Help with energy and water debts. White goods (grant funded). A chat about easy DIY home energy saving and how to keep your home affordably warm for people now working from home. Home visits from our Green Handyman to install energy saving measures such as draught proofing.
Target group: General Public
Area served: East Sussex
How to contact: Please Phone/email or view website for further information
Monday: Please Phone/email or view website for further information
Office Hours:
Wheelchair access: -
Accessible toilets: -
Access notes:
Other information
Languages other than English:
Charity number:
Year established: 0
Public transport:
Record last checked: 04 April 2024