Kidney Care UK

Contact details

Kidney Care UK
3 The Windmills, St Mary's Close (Postal Address)
GU34 1EF

Public phone: 01420 541 424 / 0808 801 00 00


Website URL:

General information

Service offered: Kidney Care UK are the UK’s leading kidney patient support charity. Based in England, they provide support for more than 100 patients every week and invest over £3 million each year in patient grants. They provide practical and emotional support, funding patient research projects and improving care services for thousands of kidney patients and their families every year. Their project, Kidney Care UK Money & Energy Advice Service, has been created to target vulnerable kidney patients in fuel poverty, and those facing fuel poverty. It will expand and deepen Kidney Care UK’s existing work supporting kidney patients, providing new subject matter expertise within their Patient Services team. Kidney Care UK Money & Energy Advisors will work alongside their Patient Support & Advocacy Officers and Patient Grants Officers, providing specialist money and energy support within the framework of a deep understanding of and empathy towards the experiences and requirements of kidney patients. Activities will include creating budget plans, completing income maximisation checks and benefit claims, carrying out energy supply switching exercises and Home Energy Surveys.

Target group: Kidney patients and their families

Area served: UK

How to contact: Please Phone or view website for further information


Monday: Please Phone or view website for further information






Office Hours:


Wheelchair access: -

Accessible toilets: -

Access notes: 

Other information

Languages other than English:

Charity number:

Year established: 0


Public transport:

Record last checked: 12 November 2024


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