Citizens Advice Greenwich - Debt
Contact details
Citizens Advice Greenwich - Debt
North Wing, The Gatehouse, Frances Street
SE18 5EF
Public phone: 020 8309 8646 Debt Advice
Email: (administration purposes only)
Website URL:
General information
Service offered: Information, advice and assistance for people with debts who are residents in the Royal Borough of Greenwich. We offer a debt assessment line, appointments and outreach service, please visit for further details.
Target group: Residents of Royal Borough of Greenwich, London
Area served: Royal Borough of Greenwich, London
How to contact: Debt line 0208 309 8646. Monday – Assessment only 10am-1pm. visit to submit an online enquiry.
Monday: 10am - 1pm Assessment Only
Tuesday: 10am - 1pm (Phone)
Wednesday: 10am - 1pm / 2pm - 4.30pm (Phone)
Thursday: 10am - 1pm (Phone)
Friday: Closed
Weekends: Closed
Office Hours: N/A
Wheelchair access: -
Accessible toilets: -
Access notes: Parking is on the public street, subject to some parking permit areas, Building access has steps. Ramp being installed - PENDING. Builiding has accessible rooms and toilet.
Other information
Languages other than English: Language Line interpreting service
Charity number: 1064404
Year established: 1990
Staffing: 1 full time adviser, 1 administrator
Public transport: See advice hub information
Record last checked: 20 August 2024