Shaftesbury (Livability)

Contact details

Shaftesbury (Livability)
Coburg House, 1 Coburg Street (Registered Office)

Public phone: 0191 300 9970


Website URL:

General information

Service offered: Residential with nursing for working aged adults. Residential homes; houses for people with learning disabilities and larger places consisting of individual accommodation designed specifically for people who use wheelchairs. We also provide homecare support and supported living services for people with physical and learning disabilities. Accessible holiday accommodation- only in Dorset, and respite care at some of our residential homes. Brain injury rehabilitation and a Spinal Injury Unit. Educational provision for children and young people with complex learning and care needs. We have a church engagement team offering training and promoting, ‘Dementia Friendly Churches’ and ‘The Happiness Course’. Based from our Dorset site, Holton Lee, the Building Better Opportunities UCAN project – to help unemployed disabled and disadvantaged people to learn new skills in order to be less socially isolated, and engage in meaningful employment.

Target group: People with disabilities.

Area served: UK.

How to contact: Phone or email.


Monday: 9.15am - 5.15pm

Tuesday: 9.15am - 5.15pm

Wednesday: 9.15am - 5.15pm

Thursday: 9.15am - 5.15pm

Friday: 9.15am - 5.15pm


Office Hours:


Wheelchair access: -

Accessible toilets: -

Access notes: 

Other information

Languages other than English: Depending on current staff.

Charity number: 1116530

Year established: 2007


Public transport:

Record last checked: 12 February 2025


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