Buckinghamshire Council - Housing Department (Chiltern South Bucks)
Contact details
Buckinghamshire Council - Housing Department (Chiltern South Bucks)
King George V House
King George V Road
Public phone: 01494 729 000 / 0800 999 7677
Website URL: http://www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/housing-and-benefits/housing/help-if-homeless-or-at-risk-of-homelessness/
General information
Service offered: Assessment of housing needs, help and advice to anyone threatened with homelessness within 56 days. Provide temporary accommodation for those assessed as in priority need - those with children or pregnant, vulnerable because of age (60+), disability or at risk from violence. General housing advice, homelessness prevention and information to private and social tenants and homeless people.
Target group: People with housing issues who are at risk of homelessness within 56 days, including those threatened with homelessness within 56 days.
Area served: Buckinghamshire including Aylesbury, High Wycombe, Chiltern and South Bucks (not Milton Keynes).
How to contact: Phone/Website.
Monday: 9am-5.15pm
Tuesday: 9am-5.15pm
Wednesday: 9am-5.15pm
Thursday: 9am-5.15pm
Friday: 9am - 4.45pm
Office Hours:
Wheelchair access: Yes - full
Accessible toilets: Yes
Access notes: Lift. Loop system.
Other information
Languages other than English: Can arrange interpreters with prior notice.
Charity number:
Year established: 0
Public transport:
Record last checked: 25 October 2024