Samaritans of Barnsley

Contact details

Samaritans of Barnsley
77 Pitt Street West
S70 1BN

Public phone: 116 123

Email: /

Website URL:

General information

Service offered: Telephone helpline operating 24 hours a day offering emotional support for anyone in distress or despair including those which lead to suicide. Offers a listening service to people who are isolated, feel in despair or who are suicidal. The national Samaritans number is free to call and is 116123

Target group: People who feel in distress, despair including those that lead to suicide Anyone in need of emotional support.

Area served: Barnsley and District. National

How to contact: For support telephone 116123 - 24 hours a day. Email


Monday: 24 hours phone

Tuesday: 24 hours phone

Wednesday: 24 hours phone

Thursday: 24 hours phone

Friday: 24 hours phone

Weekends: 24 hours phone

Office Hours:


Wheelchair access: Yes - full

Accessible toilets: Yes

Access notes: Parking for disabled drivers at rear of building. Ramped front entrance. Stairlift.

Other information

Languages other than English: BSL

Charity number: 1173665

Year established: 1970

Staffing: 60 volunteers.

Public transport: Train and bus stations - 20 minutes walk.

Record last checked: 10 June 2024


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