Account 3
Contact details
Account 3
3 Birkbeck Street
E2 6JY
Public phone: 020 7739 7720
Website URL:
General information
Service offered: Welfare Advice: Range of services aimed at alleviating poverty and supporting income maximisation. One to one advice on welfare benefits, debt, employment. Group support Money Matters sessions for improved financial resilience. Training including ESOL, literacy, numeracy Childcare and Early Years practitioners level 1-3. Volunteer placements for skills development. Nursery and full day care for under 5s, drop-in play facilities.
Target group: Women looking for work or training or looking for welfare/benefits advice. New arrivals living in tower hamlets needing assistance to get work or volunteering placements to improve skills and social networks
Area served: London Borough of Tower Hamlets.
How to contact: Phone (0207 739 7720), email . Open Mon-Fri 10am-5pm
Monday: 10am - 5pm
Tuesday: 10am - 5pm
Wednesday: 10am - 5pm
Thursday: 10am - 5pm
Friday: 10am - 5pm
Office Hours:
Wheelchair access: Yes - full
Accessible toilets: Yes
Access notes: Parking for people with mobility problems by appointment. No steps . Information in large print. Home visits for tower hamlets residents unable to attend the office for mobility or blindness.
Other information
Languages other than English: Arabic, Bangladeshi, Bulgarian , French, Farsi, Greek, Hindi, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, , Somali,
Charity number: Company by guarantee 0669360
Year established: 1991
Staffing: 5 full time, 15 part time. ( advice team 1.5 FT E )
Public transport: Bethnal Green train station and tube - 2 minutes walk. Buses 8, 106, 254, D3, D6.
Record last checked: 14 June 2024