Catching Lives - Canterbury Open Centre
Contact details
Catching Lives - Canterbury Open Centre
Station Road East
Public phone: 01227 464904
Website URL:
General information
Service offered: Day centre for people who are homeless or in insecure or temporary accommodation. Referrals to emergency and longer term housing. Housing advice, including resettlement and tenancy sustainment. Mental health Specialist Monday - Wednesday. Showers, laundry, clothing, breakfast, lunch (free for rough sleepers). Care of address and free telephone use for non personal calls (i.e. regarding benefits, GP, Housing etc). Needle Exchange. IT use available. Occasional drop in nurse and podiatry services.
Target group: Homeless people, rough sleepers and those living in temporary or insecure accommodation.
Area served: Canterbury and East Kent.
How to contact: Drop-in or phone (01227 464904) / email.
Monday: 9am - 2pm
Tuesday: 9am - 2pm
Wednesday: 9am - 2pm
Thursday: 9am - 2pm
Friday: 9am - 2pm
Weekends: 9am – 2pm
Office Hours: 8.30am – 4.30pm Mon – Fri + 8.30am – 2.30pm Sat and Sun
Wheelchair access: Yes - limited
Accessible toilets: No
Access notes: No parking. The entrance is level and it is a single storey building. We have no adaptions for those with hearing issues.
Other information
Languages other than English: Access to interpreters and Polish + French speaking members of staff.
Charity number: 1014868
Year established: 1991
Staffing: 12 staff.
Public transport: Opposite Canterbury East train station, 5 minutes walk from the bus station.
Record last checked: 14 August 2023