Middleton Day Centre

Contact details

Middleton Day Centre
115 Long Street
M24 6DL

Public phone: 0161 655 4062


General information

Service offered: Day centre for homeless and disadvantaged people. Housing advice including referrals to accommodation, pre-tenancy, resettlement and tenancy sustainment support. Benefits advice. Support around budgeting and cooking. Sessions with drug and alcohol teams. Counselling service, Showers, laundry, clothing store, breakfast, lunch and dinner, activities, welfare rights service

Target group: Homeless people and others who are disadvantaged or socially excluded or struggling hardship.

Area served: Middleton, Heywood, Rochdale

How to contact: Drop In, phone


Monday: 9am - 2pm

Tuesday: 9am - 2pm

Wednesday: 9am - 2pm

Thursday: 9am - 1pm

Friday: 9am - 2pm

Weekends: Closed

Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9am-1pm


Wheelchair access: Yes - limited

Accessible toilets: Yes

Access notes: Limited parking. Wide doorway with ramped entrance.

Other information

Languages other than English: no

Charity number: 1004389

Year established: 1989

Staffing: 5 full time and 6 volunteers.

Public transport: Bus 17 from Manchester, Middleton and Rochdale. 2 minutes from bus stop.

Record last checked: 10 October 2024


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