Contact details
185 Drake Street
OL11 1EF
Public phone: 01706 298 222
Email: whag@whag.info
Website URL: http://www.whag.info
General information
Service offered: Refuge accommodation for women and children fleeing domestic violence. Tenancy support for up to 6 women who have escaped domestic violence and are living in Chester. Rochdale DA Safe Accommodation - Emergency safe accommodation for individuals and families experiencing Domestic abuse. Providing trauma informed specialist DA interventions within a model of safe and secure accommodation. Wigan Safe Accommodation - Emergency safe accommodation for individuals and families experiencing Domestic abuse. Providing trauma informed specialist DA interventions within a model of safe and secure accommodation. Cheshire West and Chester Safe Accommodation - Emergency safe accommodation for individuals and families experiencing Domestic abuse. Providing trauma informed specialist DA interventions within a model of safe and secure accommodation. Rochdale MEAM – ‘Making every adult matter’, community-based interventions for women facing multiple disadvantage, and complex traumatic experiences. Direct focus of system barriers and removing obstacles to key support. Rochdale ABEN – ‘A bed for every night’ emergency temporary accommodation, dispersed accommodation model for single women, and/or women with children experiencing homelessness. Rochdale SaSH – WHAG deliver bespoke person-centred support within a portfolio of properties owned by the organisation. This service is available to women, men and their families who are affected by domestic abuse, homelessness, and young parents. Rochdale Rose Court – Supported accommodation for single women aged over 18, who are experiencing homelessness, or at risk of homelessness. Rochdale women’s community outreach – Homelessness prevention for women aged over 18, who are based in Rochdale, and at risk of homelessness or requiring support to maintain their own home. Rochdale Young parents service – Supported accommodation for young parents aged 16-25, who may be pregnant or have a child within their care. Experiencing or at risk of homelessness, and/or unsuitable or unsafe accommodation. Rochdale young parents’ community outreach – Homelessness prevention for young parents aged between 16-25, who are based in Rochdale, and at risk of homelessness or requiring support to maintain their own home. Alongside specialist interventions for young families and their children.
Target group: Women and children experiencing domestic violence.
Area served: Chester. Wigan. Rochdale
How to contact: Phone (01706 298 222) / Email.
Monday: Please Phone/Email for further information
Office Hours:
Wheelchair access: Yes - full
Accessible toilets: Yes
Access notes: Wheelchair Access to Head Office and within adapted properties. Adapted Toilets: Within adapted properties
Other information
Languages other than English: Limited Urdu/ Bengali . Access to interpreters.
Charity number:
Year established: 1981
Public transport:
Record last checked: 28 May 2024