St Anne's Homeless Resource Centre
Contact details
St Anne's Homeless Resource Centre
66 York Street
Public phone: 0113 281 6906 / 0113 243 1894
Website URL:
General information
Service offered: St Anne’s Resource Centre has an open door policy, individuals can access the service without needing to be referred by another agency. We can often be the first point of contact for those at risk of homelessness where people can have a safe unpressured place to form relationships with staff. We are in a unique position to support some of the most severely excluded individuals and by building links with partner agencies we can play key and strategic role in local efforts to end homelessness within the City. We offer Breakfast Club 6 mornings per week, enabling people to have access to Health Services, Street Outreach and mental health homeless housing team. We offer a safe mailing address for individuals who have no fixed abode. Advice on housing issues and claiming benefits. Laundry. Shower facilities. Condom distribution scheme. One to one advice and support with issues such as housing, benefits access to health care and mental health services as well as drug and alcohol issues. Education. Employment
Target group: St Anne’s Resource Centre works with people who are aged 18 who may have a support need around housing, benefits, mental health and or drug or alcohol issues.
Area served: Leeds and surrounding areas.
How to contact: Drop In (Limited, please check website for up to date information), phone or via website.
Monday: 8.30am - 4.30pm
Tuesday: 8.30am - 4.30pm
Wednesday: 8.30am - 4.30pm
Thursday: 8.30am - 4.30pm
Friday: 8.30am - 4.30pm
Weekends: Closed
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8.30am - 4.30pm
Wheelchair access: Yes - full
Accessible toilets: Yes
Access notes: Lift to upper floors. Adapted toilet on first floor.
Other information
Languages other than English:
Charity number: 502224
Year established: 1971
Public transport: Within walking distance of the city centre bus station.
Record last checked: 07 October 2024