Tyneside and Northumberland Mind

Contact details

Tyneside and Northumberland Mind
3rd Floor, Tru-Knit House, Carliol Square
(Additional Location - New Century House, Jackson Street, Gateshead, NE8 1HR)
Newcastle upon Tyne

Public phone: 0191 477 4545 / 0330 174 3174

Email: admin@tynesidemind.org.uk

Website URL: http://www.tynesidemind.org.uk

General information

Service offered: Various services including counselling and therapeutic services, specialist mental health support for families, victims of crime and those recently bereaved by a tragic death, support groups, accredited and custom training. Please contact admin@tynesidemind.org.uk for more information or visit our website at www.tynesidemind.org.uk

Target group: People experiencing mental health issues.

Area served: Gateshead, North Tyneside, South Tyneside, Newcastle and Northumberland

How to contact: Many services can be accessed via self-referral. For information about individual services please get in touch 0191 477 4545 or 0330 174 3174 or email admin@tynesidemind.org.uk . Support Line available 2pm-10pm Weekdays, 12pm-8pm Weekends


Monday: 2pm-10pm (Support Line)

Tuesday: 2pm-10pm (Support Line)

Wednesday: 2pm-10pm (Support Line)

Thursday: 2pm-10pm (Support Line)

Friday: 2pm-10pm (Support Line)

Weekends: 12pm-8pm (Support Line)

Office Hours: 9am-5pm Mon-Fri


Wheelchair access: -

Accessible toilets: -

Access notes: Various for different areas

Other information

Languages other than English: We can accommodate various languages. For more information about how we can support you please email admin@tynesidemind.org.uk or call 0191 477 4545 or 0330 174 3174 Our website uses accessibility software and can change the language on every web page, go to www.tynesidemind.org.uk

Charity number: 1140856

Year established: 1984


Public transport: Various for different areas

Record last checked: 09 January 2025


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