Age UK - West Sussex, Brighton & Hove (Crawley)

Contact details

Age UK - West Sussex, Brighton & Hove (Crawley)

Public phone: 01403 260 560 / 0800 019 1310


Website URL:

General information

Service offered: Range of services for older people, including advice and information, day care services, help at home, shopping trips, community clubs and outings.

Target group: Older people and their carers.

Area served: Crawley.

How to contact: Phone/Website, contact for an appointment.


Monday: 9am - 5pm (Phone)

Tuesday: 9am - 5pm (Phone)

Wednesday: 9am - 5pm (Phone)

Thursday: 9am - 5pm (Phone)

Friday: 9am - 4pm (Phone)


Office Hours:


Wheelchair access: -

Accessible toilets: -

Access notes: 

Other information

Languages other than English:

Charity number: 1086323

Year established: 1958

Staffing: 10 part time staff, 45 volunteers.

Public transport:

Record last checked: 04 October 2024

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