Rural Age Concern - Cottage Day Centre
Contact details
Rural Age Concern - Cottage Day Centre
The Cottage Day Centre, 100 Brands Hatch Park, Scratchers Lane
Public phone: 01322 668106
Website URL:
General information
Service offered: Range of services for elderly, frail and disabled people and their carers. 3 day care centres. Transport service. Chiropody and optical clinics. Assisted bathing. Visiting service. Handyperson and gardening service. Internet access. Lunch clubs. Respite care for carers.
Target group: Elderly, frail and disabled people and their carers.
Area served: North West Kent.
How to contact: Phone or via website.
Monday: 9am - 3pm
Tuesday: 9am - 3pm
Wednesday: 9am - 3pm
Thursday: 9am - 3pm
Friday: 9am - 3pm
Office Hours:
Wheelchair access: Yes - full
Accessible toilets: Yes
Access notes:
Other information
Languages other than English: Access to interpreters and BSL.
Charity number: 265562
Year established: 1951
Staffing: 3 full time, 18 part time, 65 volunteers.
Public transport:
Record last checked: 30 October 2024