Refugee Action - Bradford
Contact details
Refugee Action - Bradford
Public phone: 07703608969
Website URL:
General information
Service offered: Refugee Action Bradford offers one to one support and group activities for refugee and asylum seekers families who live in Bradford. The following services work closely together but specialise in their key areas of work: Early Help Project (Asylum Seekers and Refugees) - This project offers specialist casework support to asylum seeking families where they have additional needs that aren’t being met by universal services (such as Schools, Health, Migrant Help, Accommodation Providers) and require additional support under the Local Authority Early Help Framework. Asylum Crisis project - This project supports asylum seeking families with children in Bradford who need assistance in accessing housing and financial support mainly from the Home Office while trying to work with other agencies to meet the families’ other needs. Asylum Crisis Caseworker will conduct in-depth assessments on vulnerability, complexity, and urgency. In the first instance we encourage clients to contact Migrant Help or their accommodation provider regarding asylum support problems. Where raised issues go unresolved, asylum Crisis Bradford will provide one-to-one advocacy and casework support. Asylum Crisis Bradford ensures that clients are aware of and able to access a range of holistic services as required including healthcare, education, legal advice, community groups, the police, charitable support, social and well-being opportunities, through referrals and signposting to local services. The BRAVE Project: is an expert by experience led project focusing on integration and wellbeing activities for asylum seekers in Bradford. This is for all service users at Refugee Action, but with a specific focus on families. We provide various activities that brings asylum seekers and refugees together, share relevant information about local services and the asylum process as well as activities that improve asylum seekers and refugees wellbeing and social connection. Advice & Wellbeing Program: Our Wellbeing service is delivered in partnership with Solace, which is a combination of one-to-one therapy for refugees and asylum seekers suffering from trauma symptoms (delivered by Solace therapist) as well as a weekly wellbeing group session for those with lower levels of need, or who need supplementary input in addition to one-to-one support. Those accessing this service also benefit from specialist immigration advice from our NIAS service. We accept referrals through our single point of access, and we also have presence at Mill side Centre every Friday morning to do an initial triage on wellbeing need for asylum seekers and refugees who attend the centre.
Target group: Refugees and asylum seekers.
Area served: Bradford.
How to contact: Phone/Website. We have a single point of referral pathway to all our services in Bradford and all new referrals will be assessed by a duty caseworker who will decide which project/s is appropriate to support you based your needs as well as sign post you to other services when it is possible.
Monday: 9:30am - 1pm (Phone)
Tuesday: 9:30am - 1pm (Phone)
Wednesday: 9:30am - 1pm (Phone)
Thursday: 9:30am - 1pm (Phone)
Office Hours:
Wheelchair access: -
Accessible toilets: -
Access notes:
Other information
Languages other than English: Interpreters for people who don’t speak good English
Charity number: 283660
Year established: 0
Public transport:
Record last checked: 18 September 2024