Action for Deafness
Contact details
Action for Deafness
22 Sussex Road
Haywards Heath
West Sussex
RH16 4EA
Public phone: 01444 415582
Website URL:
General information
Service offered: Information and advice on all aspects of hearing loss. Two Resource Centres where people can try and purchase specialised equipment, e.g. telephones, TV listening devices and alerting equipment. Also free maintenance and battery issue for NHS hearing aids. NHS Audiology service.
Target group: Deaf, deafened, hard of hearing and deafblind people in the West Sussex area.
Area served: West Sussex.
How to contact: Phone/email, write or via website.
Monday: 9am - 5pm
Tuesday: 9am - 5pm
Wednesday: 9am - 5pm
Thursday: 9am - 5pm
Friday: 9am - 5pm
Weekends: Closed
Office Hours:
Wheelchair access: Yes - full
Accessible toilets: No
Access notes: Forecourt parking available. Access to signing interpreters. Loop system at Haywards Heath office.
Other information
Languages other than English: Access to interpreters.
Charity number: 1122579
Year established: 1993
Staffing: 17 full time and 5 part time staff + 25 volunteers.
Public transport: 15 minutes walk from Haywards Heath train station.
Record last checked: 17 February 2025