Visibility Scotland

Contact details

Visibility Scotland
2 Queens Crescent
St Georges Cross
G4 9BW

Public phone: 0141 332 4632


Website URL:

General information

Service offered: Wide range of services for people who are visually impaired. Social and recreational activities. Information on aids, equipment, services and support provided by telephone and at hospital bases. Reading training for people with central vision loss. Home support. Visual impairment awareness training. Training for people with an acquired brain injury.

Target group: People with visual impairments, their carers and those working with them.

Area served: Scotland-wide

How to contact: Phone (0141 3324632) or contact for an appointment. Open Monday to Thursday 9am - 4.30pm + Friday 9am - 4pm. Email:


Monday: 9am - 4.30pm

Tuesday: 9am - 4.30pm

Wednesday: 9am - 4.30pm

Thursday: 9am - 4.30pm

Friday: 9am - 4pm


Office Hours:


Wheelchair access: Yes - limited

Accessible toilets: Yes

Access notes: Portable ramp at main entrance. Lift to all floors. Sighted guides and assistance available to people with visual impairments. Loop system in training room.

Other information

Languages other than English:

Charity number: SCO 09738

Year established: 1859

Staffing: 28 staff

Public transport: St Georges Cross underground station.

Record last checked: 14 August 2024


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