Independent Living Alternatives (ILA)

Contact details

Independent Living Alternatives (ILA)
Solar House
915 High Road
N12 8QJ

Public phone: 020 8343 6084 / 07860 695384


Website URL:

General information

Service offered: Promotes the right of disabled people to live independently. Offers information on personal assistance. Provides full time personal care assistants for disabled people who want to live in their own homes. Supports people who want to employ their own assistants. Charges for some services. Managed and run by people with direct experience of disability.

Target group: Disabled people who require assistance to live independently.

Area served: All London. Can provide information by phone or post UK wide.

How to contact: Phone or via website.


Monday: 10am-1pm / 2pm-4pm

Tuesday: 10am-1pm / 2pm-4pm

Wednesday: 10am-1pm / 2pm-4pm

Thursday: 10am-1pm / 2pm-4pm

Friday: 10am-1pm / 2pm-4pm


Office Hours:


Wheelchair access: -

Accessible toilets: -

Access notes: 

Other information

Languages other than English:

Charity number: 802198

Year established: 1989

Staffing: 1 full time, 5 part time + 20 volunteers.

Public transport:

Record last checked: 25 October 2023


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