Labour Relations Agency - Derry

Contact details

Labour Relations Agency - Derry
3rd Floor, Richmond Chambers
The Diamond
BT48 6HN

Public phone: 03300 552 220


Website URL:

General information

Service offered: Promotes the improvement of employment relations. Conciliation, Arbitration and Mediation services as part of dispute prevention and ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) services. Advice and assistance with employment matters for individuals, employers and trade unions working in industry, commerce and public services. Open Monday to Friday 9am – 1pm, 2pm – 5pm.

Target group: Workers, trade unions, employers, employers' associations.

Area served: NW of Northern Ireland - Counties Londonderry, Tyrone, Fermanagh and part of Antrim.

How to contact: Phone (03300 552 220), email, contact for an appointment.


Monday: 9am - 1pm, 2pm - 5pm

Tuesday: 9am - 1pm, 2pm - 5pm

Wednesday: 9am - 1pm, 2pm - 5pm

Thursday: 9am - 1pm, 2pm - 5pm

Friday: 9am - 1pm, 2pm - 5pm


Office Hours:


Wheelchair access: -

Accessible toilets: -

Access notes: 

Other information

Languages other than English: Access to interpreters and BSL. Publications available in a number of languages.

Charity number:

Year established: 1976

Staffing: 6 full time staff.

Public transport: Foyle bus station - 5 minutes walk.

Record last checked: 12 February 2025


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