Age UK - North Craven
Contact details
Age UK - North Craven
North Yorkshire
BD24 9EW
Public phone: 01729 823066
Website URL:
General information
Service offered: Range of services for older people (50 plus). Information and advice on benefits, health, money issues, housing rights and care options. Independence support for people facing changes in life.Transport services including minibus from home to Settle Market Place and leisure outings. Leisure and social activities including lunch clubs. Befriending. Practical help at home. A lively community charity shop.
Target group: Older people (50 plus) and their carers and families.
Area served: North Craven.
How to contact: Phone (01729 823066) or contact for an appointment.
Monday: 10am to 4pm
Tuesday: 10am to 4pm
Wednesday: 10am to 4pm
Thursday: 10am to 4pm
Friday: 10am to 4pm
Weekends: Saturday: 10am to 4pm Sunday: 12noon to 4pm
Office Hours:
Wheelchair access: Yes - limited
Accessible toilets: No
Access notes: Level entrance. To ground floor only. Advice sessions can be arranged at service users homes, or in other accessible venues too. Parking for Blue Badge holders on street outside building, level entrance to ground floor, limited access to advice room
Other information
Languages other than English:
Charity number: 1141867
Year established: 1987
Staffing: 3 full time, 10 part time, 200 volunteers.
Public transport: Bus 580.
Record last checked: 18 November 2024