Manchester Rape Crisis
Contact details
Manchester Rape Crisis
73 Ardwick Green North
M12 6FX
Public phone: 0161 273 4500 - Helpline / 0161 273 4591
Website URL:
General information
Service offered: Telephone counselling, support, advice and information for women and girls who have experienced sexual violence.
Target group: Women and girls who have experienced sexual violence.
Area served: Greater Manchester.
How to contact: Phone (0161 273 4500 - Helpline / 0161 273 4591) / Email .
Monday: 9am - 4pm
Tuesday: 9am - 4pm
Wednesday: 9am - 4pm, 6pm - 9pm
Thursday: 9am - 4pm, 6pm - 9pm
Friday: 9am - 4pm
Weekends: Closed
Office Hours:
Wheelchair access: Yes - limited
Accessible toilets: Yes
Access notes: Small step at entrance. Alternative venues can be arranged. Can arrange access to
Other information
Languages other than English:
Charity number: 1196056 (CIO)
Year established: 1979
Staffing: 4 full time, 3 part time, 20 sessional counsellors 20 volunteers
Public transport:
Record last checked: 15 May 2024