Age UK - Wiltshire (Salisbury)

Contact details

Age UK - Wiltshire (Salisbury)

Public phone: 0808 196 2424 (Mon-Fri 10am-2pm)


Website URL:

General information

Service offered: Information, support and advice for older people, their relatives and professionals working with older people. Wellbeing support including social telephone calls. Paid for hot meal delivery service to older people in their own homes. Talks to groups on benefits, active ageing and other topics. Fitness & Friendship groups. Grass cutting service (Salisbury only).

Target group: Older people.

Area served: Wiltshire and Swindon countywide

How to contact: Phone 0808 196 2424, email or website. Appointments available by arrangement.


Monday: 10am-2pm (Phone)

Tuesday: 10am-2pm (Phone)

Wednesday: 10am-2pm (Phone)

Thursday: 10am-2pm (Phone)

Friday: 10am-2pm (Phone)


Office Hours:


Wheelchair access: -

Accessible toilets: -

Access notes: 

Other information

Languages other than English: Access to interpreters by arrangement.

Charity number: 800912

Year established: 0

Staffing: 26 staff across Salisbury and Devizes sites

Public transport:

Record last checked: 21 January 2025

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