Career Connect Salford / Connexions Salford
Contact details
Career Connect Salford / Connexions Salford
Public phone: 0161 393 4500
Email: /
Website URL:
General information
Service offered: Information, advice and guidance for young people aged 13-19. Subjects include education and careers options and support, health, welfare, benefits. Vacancy service matching young people to local employment opportunities.
Target group: Young people aged 13-19 + 16 -24 year old
Area served: Salford, Eccles, Worsley, Swinton, Irlam, Little Hulton.
How to contact: Phone (0161 393 4500), social media, email or via Career Connect website.
Monday: 10am - 4:45pm
Tuesday: 11am - 4:45pm
Wednesday: 10am - 4:45pm
Thursday: 10am - 4:45pm
Friday: 10am - 4:45pm
Office Hours:
Wheelchair access: -
Accessible toilets: -
Access notes:
Other information
Languages other than English: No Access to interpreters.
Charity number: 1141077
Year established: 0
Public transport: Yes
Record last checked: 23 January 2025