Grantham Poverty Concern
Contact details
Grantham Poverty Concern
Public phone: 01476 406080 (SKDC)
Website URL:
General information
Service offered: Service for homeless and other vulnerable people. We provide assistance to our clients through support, outreach, warm clothing, sleeping bags and foil blankets and the provision of food parcels + meals and gas / electricity top-ups. In extreme weather we also provide emergency B&B accommodation. We provide signposting, information on benefits and assistance with filling in forms, counselling to those in a desperate situation, advice, medical assistance and help to arrange appointments or getting to the hospital.
Target group: Homeless and vulnerable people, those in the local community in need.
Area served: Grantham.
How to contact: Phone/Website.
Monday: Please Phone or view website for further information
Office Hours:
Wheelchair access: -
Accessible toilets: -
Access notes:
Other information
Languages other than English: Polish and Portuguese.
Charity number: 1060003
Year established: 2001
Staffing: 12 volunteers.
Public transport:
Record last checked: 31 October 2024