Age Concern - North Norfolk
Contact details
Age Concern - North Norfolk
35 Cremer Street
NR26 8DZ
Public phone: 01263 821 188
Website URL:
General information
Service offered: Day centre providing social activities and personal care for older people. Lunch, laundry and bathing facilities. General information and signposting. Befriending Service and social groups/events for over 55s.
Target group: Older people aged 55+.
Area served: North Norfolk - Cromer, Sheringham, Holt, Wells, North Walsham, Fakenham.
How to contact: Phone/Website.
Tuesday: 9am to 3pm
Wednesday: 9am to 3pm
Thursday: 9am to 3pm
Friday: 9am to 3pm
Office Hours:
Wheelchair access: Yes - full
Accessible toilets: Yes
Access notes: Parking for disabled drivers. Level entrance. Loop system.
Other information
Languages other than English:
Charity number: 1097115
Year established: 1996
Public transport: Sheringham train station - 2 minutes walk. Main bus X44 between Norwich and Holt. Transport can be arranged to and from the centre.
Record last checked: 09 October 2024