Carers Choices
Contact details
Carers Choices
The White House
Kiln Road
Public phone: 0300 302 1212
Website URL:
General information
Service offered: Care support workers provide respite care for carers of children, young people and adults with physical or mental health needs or learning disabilities. Care is provided in the carers own homes and on recreational activities, enabling the carer to have a break. Young carers club. Day Centre for sufferers of dementia.
Target group: Carers, including young carers.
Area served: Castlepoint, Rochford, Maldon and Southend.
How to contact: Phone or email via website.
Monday: 9am - 5pm
Tuesday: 9am - 5pm
Wednesday: 9am - 5pm
Thursday: 9am - 5pm
Friday: 9am - 5pm
Office Hours:
Wheelchair access: -
Accessible toilets: -
Access notes:
Other information
Languages other than English:
Charity number: 1093483
Year established: 0
Staffing: 5 full time and 38 part time staff.
Public transport:
Record last checked: 30 October 2024