The Signpost to Polish Success (SPS)
Contact details
The Signpost to Polish Success (SPS)
Unit B, Tennyson Hall, Forest Road West
Public phone: 0115 970 0446 / 0115 978 1396
General information
Service offered: SPS was established in 2005 to support the new arrivals from Eastern Europe, mainly Polish migrants. Since 2008 SPS has strengthened its position as an established organisation that delivers essential services to the new and emerging communities. Services include providing regular English language courses, offering Polish and other Eastern European migrants 1-2-1 information/ signposting sessions, publishing “East Midlands po Polsku”, roughly translated as “the East Midlands in Polish” – free monthly Polish newspaper, which contains information about local events and life, running SPS food bank, delivering online webinars, organising meetings, social gathering and events such as workshops and presentations, developing a sense of community and working towards community cohesion, recruiting volunteers, partnership work with various organisations and many others. SPS is a front line organisation that works closely with the Eastern European community and in partnership with many relevant organisations in Nottingham, the East Midlands, UK and Europe.
Target group: Local Polish Community
Area served: Nottinghamshire
How to contact: Email
Monday: 9.30am-5pm (By Appointment Only)
Tuesday: 9.30am-5pm (By Appointment Only)
Wednesday: 9.30am-5pm (By Appointment Only)
Thursday: 9.30am-5pm (By Appointment Only)
Office Hours:
Wheelchair access: Yes - limited
Accessible toilets: -
Access notes: Wheelchair access to building, limited after prior arrangement
Other information
Languages other than English: Polish
Charity number: 1126928
Year established: 2005
Staffing: 4
Public transport:
Record last checked: 17 July 2023